What I am learning from my current campaign (part II)

Submitted by Dusty on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 16:40

I wasn't planning a second part to this, but I had another session of Umwandeln Herz: Umbra and after reflecting on the session I had a few things I wanted to say about it.

Let the players roll for it

There was a point in the story where the players were trying to get past a man with a gun and a bunch of people controlled by a vampire. The man was on orders from the vampire to only let one of them through and refused to let the rest of the players through.

I think the problem was that the players simply accepted this and decided to split up the party. In hindsight, while I probably would have accepted if a player suggested that we should roll for it, I should have suggested or implied that they could roll to convince the guy to let them past.

Need more props

An off comment from one of my players told me that they enjoy having more props in the game. I have a whiteboard which I use mark down thinks like time and their resources, they mentioned that they like stuff like that. In the first session I also brought some different food props which they also enjoyed.

For my next session I think I am going to bring some extra stuff to make it a better experience.